Mission | Vision

The mission of Martin Luther King Health Training School is to educate skilled health professionals to support the communty and health care system.
MLHTS is devoted to the moral and intellectual education of health science students for the advancement of human understanding and develop competent health care practitioners.
The MLHTS integrates the following human values into its business strategies, college life and educational efforts:
  * Excellence      * Competency     * Student Centeredness      * Community        * Innovation        
MLHTS is dedicated to the promotion of teaching excellence and providing quality educational experiences and guiding students to be life long learners. 

MLHTS nurtures theoretical understanding and focuses its teachings on the development of clinical competency of its students, so that students are prepared to work safely, effectively and capable of making positive clinical decisions for the beterment of their patients and institutional goals.

MLHTS is dedicated to the academic and personal welfare and development of its students. Students are the center of focus of all academic and operational strategies. The College works to build personal values of honor, respect, integrity, compassion and a sense of community to suppoirt positive encounters with all individuals. 
MLHTS believes that the students, staff, faculty and administration make up a close community of academic pursuits and are responsible to its community in which it resides. MLHTS  celebrates diversity and values altruism as a vital characteristic of all its constituents and their actions toward each other, patients and the community.
MLHTS is dedicated to bringing technology to the classroom and learning laboratories to enhance the educational experiences of the student and to ready for modern practice. MLHTS strives to continually grow and incorporate emerging practice and technologies into its educational endeavors and practice.